Dog Days Pet Hotel Boarding Agreement Terms and ConditionsOwner agrees to provide full payment for all services at the time of drop off. Owner agrees to pay the posted rate for boarding in effect on the date Pet is checked into the Hotel. Owner agrees to pay all costs and charges for special services requested such as administering medication, food, etc.

Owner agrees to pay the rate for boarding in effect on the date Owner’s pet/animal is accepted for check in by Dog Days Pet Hotel. Owner further agrees to pay all costs and charges for special services requested and for all veterinary and transportation costs for the pet/animal during the time said pet/animal is in the care of Kennel. Any outstanding balances not paid within 30 days are subject to re-billing fees of 18% APR (.015/month), min. $25 fee/month.

Due to the social nature of our Hotel, there are some inherent risks. These risks include, but are not limited to: transfer of communicable diseases such as Canine Papilloma Virus (Puppy Warts) and Canine Cough. DOG DAYS PET HOTEL requires proof of current Rabies, Distemper, and Bordetella vaccinations. The Bordetella vaccine is not 100% effective. It is recommended that it be given to your dog at least two (2) weeks prior to Pet's arrival date to increase efficacy.

Dog Days Pet Hotel makes no guarantees in regards to the Bordetella vaccine. Dog Days Pet Hotel shall exercise reasonable care for Pet during boarding, “social activities” utilizing diligence to prevent any harm or injuries to occur to Pet. Owner understands that the “social activities” offered by Dog Days Pet Hotel involve the interaction of a variety of dogs of different breeds, with different levels of training and temperament, and that Pet will be allowed to interact with these dogs (upon request of the Owner). Due to the potential risk to the Pet and people that participate during above mentioned services, it is expressly agreed by Owner that the Dog Days Pet Hotel and its owners and employees are not liable to the Owner for any problems, incidents, or injuries that may result during Pet's stay at Dog Days Pet Hotel.

Injuries may include, but are not limited to: broken nails, sore feet, puncture wounds, abrasions and cuts. These injuries are generally benign and can usually be managed by Dog Days Pet Hotel staff or at home. In some cases, veterinary care may be required. Dog Days Pet Hotel, in its sole discretion, may engage the services of a veterinarian, though all attempts will be made to contact the Owner of the Pet first. However, in the event of an extreme emergency where the Owner of the Pet cannot be contacted, emergency vet care may be sought. Owner authorizes the veterinarian to treat Pet in whatever manner deemed necessary. Owner will be responsible for all veterinary charges upon release of the Pet. Owner also gives full authority for the treating veterinarian and their associates to discuss with Dog Days Pet Hotel any aspect of any illness or injury that the Dog Days Pet Hotel has presented for treatment.

The Owner further agrees to be solely responsible for any and all acts or behavior of said Pet while it is in the care of the Dog Days Pet Hotel. Owner agrees to be financially responsible for Dog Days Pet Hotel property damaged by Pet. Reasonable costs for damage will be payable upon checkout of Pet.

Owner does hereby entrust Dog Days Pet Hotel to care for said pet/animal(s) and authorizes Dog Days Pet Hotel, in its sole discretion, to perform whatever is necessary for the health and well-being of the Owner’s pet(s). Owner further explicitly authorizes Dog Days Pet Hotel to take its pet(s) to a veterinarian of its Dog Days Pet Hotel’s choice and agrees to pay for any and all expenses relating to the pet(s)’s care, transportation, and board. Owner agrees to hold Dog Days Pet Hotel harmless for any illness, accident, or injury and specifically agrees to be solely responsible for any and all damages that pet/animal(s) may cause to Dog Days Pet Hotel and to Dog Days Pet Hotel’s attendants, other animals, guests.

Owner acknowledges that despite Dog Days Pet Hotel’s best effort to avoid accidents and illness, that such accidents and illnesses sometimes occur. In the event of a life-threatening situation, and Kennel cannot communicate with Owner, Owner directs that Dog Days Pet Hotel shall (choose just one of the following):

Initial: _____ Engage in all possible measures to save the pet/animal(s)

Initial: _____ Defer to the veterinarian’s recommendation

Returned Check Policy:

Checks that are returned are subject to a $30.00 Service Fee. Future appointments must be paid in Cash PRIOR to the start of your pet’s next appointment.

Photo Release:

From time to time Dog Days Pet Hotel likes to take photos. We require acknowledgment by you, the pets owner that these photo's may be used for business use including but not limited to any advertising, newsletters, social media, brochures, photos in our shop ect.


No-shows Late pick-up fees & Cancellations

Dog Days Pet Hotel shall have, and is hereby granted, a lien on Owner’s pet/animal(s) for any and all unpaid boarding and/or other charges resulting from the boarding of said pet animal(s) with Dog Days Pet Hotel. If Owner fails to pay all charges and/or claim said pet/animal(s) within 3 days of scheduled pick-up, Dog Days Pet Hotel has the right to sell said pet/animal(s) or otherwise dispose if it/them, at its discretion.

Owner’s failure to collect:

In the event of failure by the Owner to collect their pets from Dog Days Pet Hotel on the due date unless an extension has been mutually agreed, we reserve the right to rehome the Owners pet by any reasonable means.

Owner understands and agrees that if his or her pet is not picked up within seven (7) days after the scheduled pick-up date, the pet shall be deemed abandoned and additional boarding charges shall apply. In such event, Dog Days Pet Hotel shall gain legal custody and ownership of the pet and retain the right to keep the pet, or place the pet in a shelter or with animal control, or place the pet in a new home with a new owner, with no recourse by Owner against Dog Days Pet Hotel or any Dog Days Pet Hotel Party. OWNER FULLY UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES THAT IF OWNER ABANDONS HIS OR HER PET AT DOG DAYS PET HOTEL, OWNER MAY BE UNABLE TO RETRIEVE POSSESSION OF HIS OR HER PET AND WILL HAVE NO RECOURSE AGAINST ANY DOG DAYS PET HOTEL PARTY.

I do hereby agree to waive, relinquish, release and forever discharge (a) Pentoney Associates LLC, DBA Dog Days Pet Hotel and its officers, directors, employees and agents, and (b) any volunteer assisting or working on behalf of Pentoney Associates LLC, DBA Dog Days Pet Hotel or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents (including but not limited to any volunteer that is a director, officer or member of Pentoney Associates LLC, DBA Dog Days Pet Hotel), from any and all claims or causes of action for damages, injury, loss, liability or expenses that I may now have or which may accrue hereafter to me or any other person claiming through my or on my behalf and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with use of this facility and surrounding area.

I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend (a) Pentoney Associates LLC, DBA Dog Days Pet Hotel and its officers, directors, employees and agents, and (b) any volunteer assisting or working on behalf of the Pentoney Associates LLC, DBA Dog Days Pet Hotel or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, cause of actions and expenses (including but not limited to court costs and attorney fees) occurring, growing out of, incident to, or resulting directly or indirectly from my use of this facility and surrounding area, including without limitation any losses, claims, damages, liabilities, cause of actions and expenses on account of personal injury to or death of any person or animal, or damages to property of any person or entity.


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